Woodland Seat Structure
On the Oxford Sculpture Trail
- English oak & stainless steel
- 5m high
- Commission by Oxford

School Gates
- English oak & galvanised steel
- Commission by Suffolk County Council
As part of this commission Richard spent three days on a Making project with the primary school children. 1994

Six Elm Coffers
- English elm & rope
- Chain sawn
- Largest coffer
2.3m x 80 x 80 - Purchased by private collector
Made from the whole butt of a elm tree. Cut at the local saw mill in a ‘Russian doll’ manner the final inside block sits on the smallest coffer. Exhibited at the Crafts Council, 1984

Stavordale Four Poster Bed
- Wych elm
- 4m high
- Private commission
Hangings and cover were commissioned from Vanessa Robertson, rope ties from David Poston. 1989

Woodland Seat Structure
On the Oxford Sculpture Trail
- English oak & stainless steel
- 5m high
- Commission by Oxford

School Gates
- English oak & galvanised steel
- Commission by Suffolk County Council
As part of this commission Richard spent three days on a Making project with the primary school children. 1994